I Received a 668(y) IRS Notice- What Now?

I Received a 668(y) IRS Notice- What Now?

IRS Form 668(y) is an official IRS notice that a lien has been placed against your property for failing to resolve your outstanding tax debt. This lien protects the government’s interest in all your property, including bank accounts, personal property, real estate, or...

Trump Takes on Taxes

Trump’s Tax Reform On Wednesday, April 26, President Trump released his tax reform plan for 2017.  As promised, he shook things up, proposing one of the biggest tax cuts in American history as well as decreasing the number of tax brackets.   Read on to review a...
How Long to Keep Tax Records: A Guide

How Long to Keep Tax Records: A Guide

What Kind of records should I keep? In order to know if you should retain a document, you should know that taxpayers have the responsibility to prove entries, deductions, and statements made on their tax return. This is known as the burden of proof. You must...